Limited time offer. Ends 1/1/25. Not valid with any other discount or offer. Must place order in store or by phone or email. Not valid on web or app.
Business meetings, corporate events, parties, and weddings!
Invite the Papa to your next event and make some smiles with fresh cream puffs!
Have a business meeting, corporate event, or gathering? Get it delivered!
Did you have a large event, wedding reception, or party coming up but just didn’t want the same old dessert? Give them a treat by having Beard Papa’s cream puffs at your next event! Your local Beard Papa’s store does catering whether it’s small or large, we can handle it!
Have a really big event? We can come to you! Beard Papa’s can do on-site catering of events of 150 or more, and bring our store to you! Guests can choose from their favorite puff and then fill it right in front of their eyes with one of our delicious fresh custard fills!*
On site catering for large events and corporate forums are our specialty.
*Minimum guest count required, varies by store. Not all stores will participate. Please call or message the store for details.